How To split a string in SQL Server

SQL Function For Spliting a String in SQL SERVER

In SQL Server we do not have a built in function for splitting a string with any character. So we need to write the query for splitting a string in SQL. Here I am creating a function for splitting a string and getting the output data in a table.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnSplitString] ( @MyArray VARCHAR(8000), @separator CHAR(1) )
       (StrValue VARCHAR(256))

       DECLARE @SeperatorString VARCHAR(10);
       SET @SeperatorString = '%' + @separator + '%'
       DECLARE @separator_position INT
       DECLARE @array_value VARCHAR(1000)
       SET @MyArray = @MyArray + @separator
       WHILE PATINDEX( @SeperatorString , @MyArray) <> 0
              SELECT @separator_position =  PATINDEX(@SeperatorString , @MyArray)
              SELECT @array_value = LEFT(@MyArray, @separator_position - 1)
              INSERT @RetTable VALUES ( CAST(@array_value AS VARCHAR(256)) )
              SELECT @MyArray = STUFF(@MyArray, 1, @separator_position, '')


This will create a new function. Now you can easily pass parameters to this function and get the data in a table format. Parameters are
@MyArray   - The full string which we need to split
@separator - The character by which we need to split
Here are some examples
Example 1 :
SELECT StrValue FROM dbo.[fnSplitString]('data1,data2,data3,data4',',')
The result will be

Here the separator is comma( , ).

Example 2 :

DECLARE @MyString VARCHAR(1000);
SET @MyString = 'data1;data2;data3;data4;1;2;3'
SELECT StrValue FROM dbo.[fnSplitString](@MyString,';')
 The result will be

Here the separator is semi-column(;)

Thanks for reading my post. Happy Coding. :)

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