What is ASP.Net and its difference with classic ASP

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What is ASP.Net 

ASP.Net is a server side scripting technology. It is a developent framework for building web pages and web sites with HTML, CSS , JavaScript and server side scripting. Server side scripting means code can be executed by the server , not in the client browser. So that we can use compiled code that can be run at the server. Hence ASP.Net provides increased performance by running compiled code. 

There are many differences between the classic ASP and ASP.Net.

Difference between ASP.Net and ASP


1. ASP.Net webforms can have code behind file for event handling code. That is seperate code and design logic is possible ( .aspx and .cs )
2. ASP.Net webforms inherit the class written in code behind.
3. ASP.Net web applications are configurable. That is web.config file can be used for configuring the application.
4. ASP.Net is object oriented. That is OOPS concepts are implemented in asp.net.
5. Complete session and application state management.
6. ASP.Net webforms have ADO.Net and full XML support for easy data exchange.
7. Variety of compilers and tools are available.
8. Custom controls can be used with the help of @Register directive.
9. Many languages can be used for programming ( C#, VB.Net, J# etc ).


1. In ASP, code and design cannot be in separate files. That is it have mixed HTML and code logic.
2. Only a limited OOPS support. For example, Inheritance is not available.
3. ASP uses scripting languages like Jscript or Vbscript.
4. Only a limited development and debugging tools are available.
5. Custom controls cannot be possible with ASP.
6. Limited session and state management.

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