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What you mean by assembly in C#

In the dot net frame work an assembly is a compiled code. Two types of assemblies are there - EXE and Dll. They provide the common language runtime with the information it needs to be aware of type implementations. This can be used for hosting, can be use in other projects also.

When we are referencing an assembly to our project, there are many advantages.
  1. We dont need to write the codes from the assembly again and again
  2. The assembly will be loaded into memory only when they are required, else they will not be loaded. 
  3. So it is very efficient way to manage resources in larger project.
  We can share assemblies between applications by putting it in the global assembly cache. But before we keep it in the global assembliy cache, we need to strongly named. Strongly naming is nothing  but it will have a unique identity. So any other assemblies will not have its name and key.

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